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Little Squirrel (Selected Works of Ge Cuilin: Joyous World of Animals Series)(English-Chinese Edition)

Author:Ge Cui lin

Publication date:2013-08-01




Joyous World of Animals is a series of children's stories written by Ge Cuiling and illustrated by Zhang Weixin, both of whom are famous for their work in children's literature. Through their carefully crafted tone and lovely illustrations, these stories will allow children to feel as though they ar...
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Joyous World of Animals is a series of children's stories written by Ge Cuiling and illustrated by Zhang Weixin, both of whom are famous for their work in children's literature. Through their carefully crafted tone and lovely illustrations, these stories will allow children to feel as though they are really exploring the mountain forest � a joyous world of little animals. In this loving world, the little animals share fruit with each other, but they also share the magical experiences of friendship. The author's lyrical prose depicts the beauty of Nature and conveys her mystique; through these tales, young readers will be able to glimpse some of life's most important moral truths. Modesty and generosity, for example, are virtues wherever you go. There are six books in this series; Little Sika Deer, Little Hedgehog, Little Kid, Little Grey Hare, Little Donkey and Little Squirrel.

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  • 目录

  • 小松鼠(葛翠琳童话:欢乐的动物世界)(英文部分)

  • 小松鼠(葛翠琳童话:欢乐的动物世界)(中文部分)



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