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Selected Poems of the Song Dynasty

Author:Xu Yuanchong

Publication date:2019-03-31




Ci poetry is quite particular about meter and rhyme scheme. Most ci poems are of profound implications. Along with Tang (618-907) poetry, ci is a treasure house of China’s ancient literature, read with admiration by people over hundreds of years. The audiobook Selection of Song Dynasty Poems cont...
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Ci poetry is quite particular about meter and rhyme scheme. Most ci poems are of profound implications. Along with Tang (618-907) poetry, ci is a treasure house of China’s ancient literature, read with admiration by people over hundreds of years. The audiobook Selection of Song Dynasty Poems contains the Song Dynasty (960-1279) poems from Elegies of the South, translated by Mr. Xu Yuanchong. Recited in Chinese and English by professionals, the audiobook is expected to help “readers” coming from varied language and cultural backgrounds to better enjoy the beauty of Song Dynasty Poems.

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